Working with projects

A project is the most fundamental structure in Hydra. Without a project, users cannot create networks. A project acts as a container for multiple projects. Users can create as many projects as they wish, and within a project can create as many networks as they wish.

Projects do not perform any special functions other than acting as a container.

A project must be created before a network, so this is commonly the very first thing one would do in Hydra.

Creating a project

Creating an empty project is very simple..

#create a new project object
proj      = self.client.factory.create('hyd:Project')
#give your project a name = 'SOAP test %s'%(
#add the project
project   = self.client.service.add_project(proj)

Accessing projects

Once a project has been created, a user can access it using get_project and passing the project ID. The user must be logged in in order to access their project.

project_id = 1232
proj = client.service.get_project(project_id)

#All a user's projects can be accessed also
my_user_id = 1
proj = client.service.get_projects(my_user_id)

Deleting projects

If a user no longer has any need for their project, they can delete it. deleting does not remove the project from the databaset. To do this, the user must purge the database. WARNING As a project is the top of the hierarchy, purging it will purge ALL its networks!


project_id = 1232
my_projects = client.service.delete_project(my_user_id)

#WARNING: This will remove a project and ALL the networks inside it!
my_projects = client.service.purge_project(my_user_id)

Sharing projects

It is not uncommon for multiple people to be working on the same project. To facilitate this, the owner of a project can share the project with other users. The owner can control whether the sharee can only see the project, see and edit the project or see, edit and share the project. To avoid sharing getting out of control, only the creator (owner) of a project has control over the re-share permission. In other words, if user A shares with user B, who shares with user C, user C cannot share with anyone.

my_user_id = 1
my_friends_user_id = 2

my_project_id = 123

#Allow my friend to access and edit my project, but do not let him share it
#with others.
client.service.share_project(my_project_id, my_friends_user_id, 'Y', 'Y', 'N')