Documentation ============= A very important aspect of plugins is documenation, saying what the plugin does and how it works. The convention we use here is shown below. This formatted using the `restructured text `_ convention, so that it can be converted to HTML easily. Note how the table boundaries all line up. This should be the very first lines in your file, after ``#!/usr/bin/env python`` and any licensing details. As an example of this in action, and how useful it is, see :ref:`importcsv` which was created from this approach. :: """ A Hydra plug-in for exporting a hydra network to a JSON file. Basics ~~~~~~ The plug-in for exporting a network to a JSON file. Basic usage:: [-h] [-n network_id] [-s scenario_id] [-d target_dir] [-x] Options ~~~~~~~ ====================== ====== ============ ======================================= Option Short Parameter Description ====================== ====== ============ ======================================= ``--help`` ``-h`` Show help message and exit. ``--network-id ``-n`` NETWORK_ID The ID of the network to be exported. ``--scenario-id ``-s`` SCENARIO_ID The ID of the scenario to be exported. (optional) ``--target-dir`` ``-d`` TARGET_DIR Target directory ``--server-url`` ``-u`` SERVER-URL Url of the server the plugin will connect to. Defaults to localhost. ``--session-id`` ``-c`` SESSION-ID Session ID used by the calling software. If left empty, the plugin will attempt to log in itself. ====================== ====== ============ ======================================= """